Dr. Hathaway received his PhD from North Carolina State University in 2010, where he studied the fate, transport, and removal of indicator bacteria in urban stormwater runoff. After a brief research fellowship at Monash University in Melbourne, Australia, and nearly two and half years at one of the nation’s leading ecological design and consulting firms, he joined the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Tennessee. Dr. Hathaway is a recipient of the National Science Foundation CAREER award and serves as an Associate Editor for the Journal of Environmental Engineering. He is an elected member of both the ASCE EWRI Urban Water Resources Research Council Core Group and the International Water Association Joint Committee on Urban Drainage.

Research Interests:
- Green Infrastructure
- Nature-Based Solutions
- Urban Hydrology
- Non-point Source Pollution
- Urban Sustainability
- Pollutant Fate and Transport
- Anthropogenic Influences on the Environment